Thursday, July 28, 2011

Post 1: Location Scouting & Casting Updates w/ Pics!

Hey Everyone

Ben here, welcome to the first official "Between the Forest & the Field" blog post. This will be the best way to follow the progress of the film through pre-production, production and post-production. So let's get going with the updates!

Our kickstarter has been doing well, we are almost 60% of the way there! But we only have 13 days left, so if you have not donated now is the time to do so. If we do not reach our goal WE GET NOTHING! I'm sure everyone has it but here is the link to our kickstarter anyways.  DONATE AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!

Now to the fun stuff! We have been quite busy lately with trying to get this film together. The two big things that we have been tackling are the cast and the location. We had our first round of auditions this past Sunday and had quite the turn out of talented people. We are going to try and have more auditions/call backs in about a week because this weekend we are going location scouting!

This will actually be our second location scout and we will be going to Santa Clarita, CA.

The first location scout was in Newhall and we saw some beautiful locations. Attached below are pictures that I took.   

Possible Cabin 1



Possible Cabin 2

Possible Cabin 3

None of these places are a lock yet but they are all possibilities at this point. More updates to come after this weekend. Thanks for following!


P.S Give us your email at the top of the page to receive email updates